Pre School



To spark human greatness in every single child by discovering and then nurturing each child’s unique gift.


Our Curriculum Methodology

One size doesn’t fit all; it is important to accommodate all individual learners, providing them opportunities to grow at their own pace and optimise their inherent potential. Our curriculum strongly emphasises on children’s intellectual (cognitive), language, social/emotional, physical, creative and aesthetic development and is based on latest research and pedagogy.


Brain based learning

When the brain is engaged and excited, it releases a chemical called ‘dopamine’. When the dopamine levels are high in the brain it is likely to remember and recall what is learnt, making learning novel, exciting and rewarding.




Howard Gardener’s Multiple Intelligence Theory

Each child has a way of learning and engaging with the world unique to him/her, which is referred to as intelligence.



Integrated, Interdisciplinary and Theme-based learning make neural connections between the different in the brain leading to holistic development.



Bloom’s taxonomy of learning

Essential critical thinking skills allow children to solve problems through trial and error, reflect, think independently and evaluate alternatives.

Role of teacher/facilitator

The teacher/facilitator plays a vital role of in our learning environments. Mentors are constantly trained and empowered to achieve an optimal balance between self – initiated learning and adult guided and supported learning.




Events & Activities

Culminating activities and special events showcase and extend children’s learning. These provide an opportunity for parental involvement and are a critical tool for creating ‘episodic memory’ – memory created through sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, location & emotions.



Field Trips

Children learn best through direct experiences as they connect their learning to the ‘real world’.

Field trips and guest lectures are linked across all concepts.